Michael J. Ansley
Height: 5'9 Playing Age: 25 - 40
Build: Average Hair: Red
Degree: BA Acting Italia Conti Eyes: Blue
Location: London, UK

​Film Title Director Production Company Character Date
Eko Gas Advert Nikos Vasilakis Stefi Films English Man 2014
Panorama Patrick Barrie BBC David Watson 2014
Chivalrous Times Sophie Price Westminster Film School Randall Lambottom 2015
The 12 James Whitehall Seven Scope Films Pete 2017
Dissonance Rochna Kumar London FIlm School Ethan 2017
The Girl on the Train Ribhu Dasgupta Netflix Man at Ticket counter 2019
Worlds Most Evil John Hutchinson Woodcut Media Richard Bieganwald 2023
The Bitdefenders Olly Starkey Epigraph Films Agent Blue 2023
Harmony Arrangement
Singer (High Baritone)
Physical Comedy
Workshop Leader
Film/Theatre Director
Voice Over
Stand Up Comedy
RP (Native), Heightened RP, Yorkshire, Liverpool, Cockney, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, General American, Southern American.

Production Director Company Character Venue
Robin Hood Ryan Woodruff M&M Productions Sheriff, Little John, Touring the UK
The Jungle Book Shane Dempsey Sixteen Feet Baloo Kew/Wakehurst Gardens
Home in time for Eleanor Warr Oxford Playhouse Grandpa, Camel, Croc Burton Taylor Studio
Christmas Reindeer Albatross
Percy's Autumn Barney McElholm Histrionic Productions Percy the Chiswick House
Treasure hunt Parkkeeper
Once day in Darrie Gardener Lights of London Mad Hatter/ Pelican Cafe Theatre/
Wonderland Productions Catterpillar Edinburgh Fringe
A Trilogy of Myths John Rushton Tumble Dry Theatre Sir Pellinore The Lion and
Unicorn Theatre
Much Ado Paul Anthony Controlled Chaos UK Don John/ The Waterloo
about Nothing Dogberry East Theatre
What if Lizzie Kent Undiscovered Richard Lost Theatre &
Theatre The White Bear
Be a Part Joe England Rapport Presenter Touring the UK

Robin Vs Sheriff Franca Relandini Smile Theatre Prince John/ Touring Italy
Robin Hood

Into The Woods Lorna Bailey Opera de Jack Edinburgh
Nepotist Fringe Festival
Godspell Dawn All Star We Beseech Ye Olde Rose
Kalani Cowle Productions Thee Soloist and Crown​